Friday, April 24, 2009

The Pool!

I rode my bike by the pool tonight. 

As always, that late,  the gate was locked, the water lights were on in the pool, the water was like glass, water light blue, clean and clear. Everything in the pool area was safe and secure. And. it is. 

Because I look after the pool. Every time I swim in the pool, I clean the debris that has been thrown or blown in the pool. I always pick up the trash some idiot left on the pool deck and in the locker rooms, clean the leaves off the deck that have blown in off the trees and shrubs, clean the filter baskets, and turn off the water someone left running. When I'm done, the pool is in safe and happy. 

The pool was happy after my swim tonight. And called out to me as I rode my bike away, thanking me and inviting me back again tomorrow.

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